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“Continuing the family tradition was a natural choice for us because it would have been like not choosing to live in the house we grew up in.”
Venice is a city that runs on ancient and unwritten rules, including the one that gondolas are made and steered by men. But two young women are challenging that tradition. After their father passed away in 2018, sisters Elena and Elisabetta Tramontin inherited his workshop making the flat-bottomed boats that navigate the city’s famed canals, and the women are determined to keep the family business going and maintain a Venetian tradition that is as old as time.
They are the only two women in Venice who run a family business family business of repairing gondolas, out of the Squero that once belonged to their father. In this unique immersion, you will have the chance to visit the Squero and watch Elena and Elisabetta as they carry on with their work that their father started. The sisters will explain to you the construction techniques materials and tools used to keep this emblem of the city alive. The squero Tramontin still uses the traditional method of restoring the gondolas to their original condition.